Taking on new marketing and design clients for 2025!
Let us manage your site

Hosting & Support

Digital brand management plans that just make sense



For small sites

Website Hosting
Dedicated Support
Assigned Account Manager
General Maintenance - 2hrs


For running a business

Reviews Management
Search Engine Monitoring
General Maintenance - 4hrs
Standard Features


For fully online businesses

Priority Support
Reviews Management+
Search Engine Monitoring+
General Maintenance - 8hrs
Professional Features
Other agencies

“We sent them emails and called their phone multiple times but never heard from them again.”

"He disappears without a trace." We’ve heard this exact same story at least 20 times. And it’s frustrating. You pay somebody to maintain your website and need them to be responsive when you need changes completed. But they fail you. Unfortunately, this is VERY very common in the web/design industry. But it shouldn’t be that way. So we have taken advantage of this flaw and implemented rules. We strive to offer the best customer service we can. And respond to requests within 24 hours. That may not seem like a big deal but for people who have been burned by web/designers in the past, it’s phenomenal and a world of difference.

Premium quality

Compare our brand plans

We provide monthly servicing for all of our clients in one way or another!

Comparison Table
Website Hosting

High speed and up-time dedicated hosting.

Dedicated Support

Get quick and conscise support for your issues.

General Maintenance

Quick updates, changes, and modifications.

2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
Assigned Account Manager

Add a teammate to your roster who is here for you.

Automation Suite

Full workflow automation tools to make sales faster.

Reviews Management

Add reviews from across the web to your site.

Search Engine Monitoring

Constant reviews of your site's performance on Google.


*Features and pricing may change based on demand and availability.

Statistics Dashboards
All plans come with statistics dashboards powered by Google.
High Speed Hosting
Our hosting plans are all dedicated towards ensuring up-time and speed.
Regular Backups
After general maintenance or updates, we will create a backup of before and after.
Intelligent Support Tickets
Our support ticketing system will prioritize and get your case in front of a tech as soon as possible.
Cross Platform Connections
While hosting with us, we will make sure all API's and outsourced connections are functioning.
Worldwide Availability
We are available throughout the world and have operations all over.

Frequently Asked Questions

Building a brand online can be confusing, all the lingo and all the back-end processes can also be overwhelming. Here are some commonly asked questions, if you have more, please reach out!

We are partnered with Hostinger and value our work together as their servers are of highest quality and down times are near non-existent. All while sites on them are blazing fast!

General updates include, image changes, staffing updates, color renditions, content removal, content addition, etc. Servicing problems with the site does not count.

Dedicated support teams will receive and respond to ticket in order and by severity. Escalations to technicians will be the same. Outages, broken links,. and other business stopping issues are the highest of all severities while general maintenance ranks near the elast.

Each month our team will monitor the web or be notified by you if you want to add new reviews to your site. These do not count as updates and are a part of the Business Brand Plan.

We will monitor your site's performance on search engines like Google and Bing to make sure it is properly indexing and performing well in regards to Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

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