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Rank higher on Google

Search Engine Optimization

We help local businesses boost their organic Google search rankings through proven SEO services.

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Invest in good searches
Keyword Research
We don't waste money by investing in non-ROI keywords.
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Compete locally for cheap
Local Listings Management
Why combat with large companies worldwide when you can win local.
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The details really matter
Metadata Optimization
In depth coding structures and metadata are a huge part of findability.
Let us explain

How would we describe SEO?

Lots of SEO companies use technical language to explain what SEO is. And generally, it’s not helpful to someone who doesn’t know much about it. We strive to make it understandable.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Most people use Google to search for things on the Internet. Google’s number one goal is to show you the most relevant information for your search or query as a search engine. They want you to find the answer you’re looking for.

We know the ins and outs
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The Google Algorithm

Google has set up a complicated and ever-changing algorithm to sift through the vast amounts of web pages out there. They have a specific way they want your page formatted to read the page and determine if it’s the best result for a particular search.

I just want to get to the top!

How do I rank?

How do you get a page to rank in the top three for a keyword? We don’t want to bore you with a bunch of technical jargon, but to give you an idea, here are the main things: Keyword Research, Technical SEO, Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, URLs, Alt Text, Backlinks, Content Optimization, and more.

In today’s competitive market, especially in Charlotte, SEO is more important than ever. Billions of people use search engines like Google every day looking for answers to their questions, a service they require, or a particular product. Implementing sound SEO techniques on your website can help your business grow and help meet business objectives.
We build up your website’s SEO by optimizing the existing pages on your website, adding newly optimized pages, and writing optimized blogs. We use software to track rankings on each page of your website. Every month we work to increase their SEO rankings by using relevant keywords on each webpage on your site. We find new ways to improve your SEO depending on which SEO package you choose. By improving the SEO page by page, we can target your specific goals.
SEO is a long-term investment. It’s not something that happens overnight. We typically ask that you give it six to eight months before you can expect powerful results. It’s a long-term play. Once you start ranking, you’ll begin to see your business grow as more people find your website. You’ll get more traffic from people who are ready to buy.
Targeting your city

Charlotte SEO Packages

We designed each of our SEO packages to meet your goals, and more importantly, fit within your budget. From small packages designed to get noticed in local search to in-depth packages containing SEO Audits, Competitor Analysis, and On-page optimization, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a new business getting ready to launch or you’ve been around for decades, let the Charlotte SEO experts at BuildByBits boost your digital presence!

Local SEO
Own the Local Charlotte Search Space with Our Local SEO Package. We will create and maintain your business listing across a wide variety of directories, applications, and data aggregators. We will create and update your business listings, manage location information, verify your listings, and resolve duplicate listings. This big thing here is optimizing your Google My Business listing. If you’re not set up correctly on GMB, you’ll miss out on lots of revenue.

• Up to 6 keywords
• 1 Geographic area
• Establish Initial Back-links
• Bi-Weekly Site Optimization • Monthly Performance Report


Breakthrough SEO
Take the next step to owning your industry in Charlotte with our Breakthrough Package. We’ll start with a comprehensive SEO audit to examine the content, code, and more. In addition to the SEO audit, we will conduct in-depth competitor and content-gap analysis, keyword research, backlink analysis, and run a thorough check for duplicate content. Contact us today to learn more about how we can customize our Breakthrough Package to fit your needs.

• Up to 20 keywords
• 1-5 Geographic Areas
• Establish Initial Back-links
• Weekly Site Optimization
• Monthly Performance Report
• Quarterly Performance Video
• Detailed Reporting


Market Leader SEO
Our Market Leader package combines our local Search Optimization package & Breakthrough SEO package while adding blog writing & content creation services. Once we have completed an SEO audit, keyword research, and competitor and content-gap analysis, we’ll take what we discovered and write high-quality, engaging content specifically designed for your target audience. We’ll write keyword-rich blog posts based on your industry and audience. Discover how BuildByBits can partner with your company to be a true industry market leader.

• Multiple (20+) keywords
• Multiple Geographic Areas
• Establish Initial Back-links
• Weekly Site Optimization
• Monthly Performance Report
• Quarterly Performance Video
• Detailed Reporting


My target audience is... the world?

Why Charlotte SEO and not just SEO?

You might wonder why we add that precursor and city location to our SEO service and the explanation is worth diving into and understanding. Just ranking for ranking sake is not enough. If you rank for a keyword that isn’t local, that doesn’t play into the Charlotte SEO world, then it is worth very little. If you rank for a generic keyword and aren’t a national company, then that means anyone, anywhere could find you and click on your website. 

For example, if you are a home remodeling company and rank for the keyword “home remodeling,” while that may be a keyword with a big volume (and something worth bragging about to your Charlotte competitors) it may not give you business. Someone in California could click on your URL. Or someone in Montana. Or someone in Canada. Those people aren’t in Charlotte and won’t convert. They don’t need your local business. They are just online window shoppers.

What you need to do is rank in the Charlotte SEO world. Your keywords need to have Charlotte (or your location) attached so that the people finding you are the people that definitely need you.

Our top strategies

Organic SEO tactics we deploy

The methods we use to bring you the best results

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